The Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool Fund (KWW/CF) is a statewide non-profit charitable effort that steps in and keeps the heat and power on for thousands of elderly, people with disabilities, veterans and working families with young children in crisis. As a result of generous public, private, business and individual support, KWW/CF provides preventative services and the financial assistance necessary to avert energy-related crisis situations. The KWW/CF provides the only safety net that keeps those most in need safely in their homes.


Learn more about our charity on their website at

or their Facebook page at



Thank you Flannel Fest for your support. It made such a difference in keeping the heat and power on for so many in need in our community. We are very much looking forward to this year’s event.

— Tim Bruer, Director of
Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool Fund


We are once again pleased to partner with Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool Fund, the non-profit benefactor of Flannel Fest.